265 | One year left!

2012 is going to be the year in which the world shifts. It is the pivotal year. It is the year where the world as we know it is going to end.
Unlike the religious crackpots, who believe the world is going to end in some kind of apocalyptic event, this shift is going to happen gradually. Print newspapers are not going to go up in flames on January 1st, 2012. It is slow shift that will increase in importance. And in 2015, the digital world will have the same power as the traditional world had in 2001.

But what is important here is not the shift itself, but where you should focus your energy. In 2012, your primary focus has to be to serve people in a digitally connected social world.

The old world is actually going to end in 2012. That is the year our kids will look back at and say "you know, that was when it all changed. That was it."

You now have one year left to ascend to the new world.

(c) Thomas Baekdal, The shift in 2012

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